Vafrakökur - Hotel Rangá


HVað eru vafrakökur og af hverju skipta þær máli?


Hallgerður ehf., hér eftir Hótel Rangá, vekur athygli á að þegar notast er við vefinn verða til upplýsingar um heimsóknina sem vistast í tölvu notandans. Um er að ræða smáar textaskrár sem greina heimsóknir og geyma kjörstillingar með það að markmiði að bæta notendaupplifun og stuðla að frekari þróun heimasíðunnar.


Flestir vafrar taka sjálfvirkt við vafrakökum. Viljir þú ekki njóta ávinnings af fótsporum getur þú aftengt þennan eiginleika í vafranum þínum. Á heimasíðu Microsoft er hægt að finna upplýsingar um hvernig hægt er að aftengja vafrakökur.

Til eru mismunandi vafrakökur með ólíkan tilgang. Sumar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar fyrir virkni heimasíðunnar, t.d. til þess að veita notendum aðgang að svæðum heimasíðunnar og notfæra sér þjónustu sem síðan býður upp á. Notkun slíkra vafrakakna grundvallast á lögmætum hagsmunum Hótel Rangár og krefjast því ekki samþykkis notenda í skilningi persónuverndarlaga. Ekki er hægt að loka fyrir notkun nauðsynlegra vafrakakna án þess að virkni síðunnar skerðist.

Aðrar vafrakökur eru t.d. notaðar til greininga á vefsvæðum eða markaðssetningu og þá aðeins að því gefnu að samþykki notenda hafi verið aflað fyrir notkun þeirra.

Hér að neðan er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þær vafrakökur sem Hótel Rangá notar á vefsíðu sinni, tilgang þeirra og gildistíma.


Exterior of Hotel Rangá on a beautiful summer day with blue skies and green grass.
Mynd eftir Hall Karlsson

1. Nauðsynlegar vafrakökur

Sumar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar fyrir virkni heimasíðunnar, t.d. til þess að veita notendum aðgang að svæðum heimasíðunnar og notfæra sér þjónustu sem síðan býður upp á. Notkun slíkra vafrakakna grundvallast á lögmætum hagsmunum Hótel Rangár og krefjast því ekki samþykkis notenda í skilningi persónuverndarlaga. Ekki er hægt að loka fyrir notkun nauðsynlegra vafrakakna án þess að virkni síðunnar skerðist.

Gildistími: 365 dagar.

The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.

Uppruni: Django. Gildistími: 365 dagar.

This cookie is associated with Django web development platform for python. Used to help protect the website against Cross-Site Requests Forgery attacks.

Uppruni: CloudFare. Gildistími: 30 dagar.

This cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. It does not correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information.

Gildistími: 1 ár.

This cookie is used to keep track of which cookies the user have approved for this site.

Uppruni: GDPR Cookie Consent. Gildistími: 1 ár.

The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category “Advertisement“.

Uppruni: GDPR Cokkie Consent WordPRess Plugin. Gildistími: 1 ár.

This cookies is set by GDPR Cookie Consent WordPress Plugin. The cookie is used to remember the user consent for the cookies under the category “Analytics“.

Uppruni: GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin. Valid: 1 ár.

This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category “Necessary“.

Gildistími: liðinn. 

This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie is used to store and identify a users’ unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed.

2. Vafrakökur fyrir greiningar

Vafrakökur sem notaðar eru í greiningartilgangi gera Hótel Rangá kleift að átta sig á því hvernig heimasíða fyrirtækisins er notuð. Þannig er fylgst með fjölda þeirra sem heimsækja vefsíðuna og hvernig þeir nota hana. Tilgangurinn með vafrakökunum er að fylgjast með og bæta virkni vefsíðunnar ásamt því að tryggja sem besta notendaupplifun.

Uppruni: Google Analytics. Gildistími:  730 dagar.

This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site“s analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors.

Uppruni: Google Analytics. Gildistími:  1 dagur.

This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form.

Uppruni: Google Analytics. Gildistími: 1 mínúta.

These are performance cookies which we use to collect information about how our visitors use the website. We use this information to compile reports and to improve the website experience. The cookies collect information such as: the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come from and the pages they visited.

Uppruni: Gildistími: 2 ár.

This cookie is set by The cookie is used to track the users activity across the internet on the browser such as visit timestamp, IP address, and most recently visited webpages. and may the data send to 3rd party for analysis and reporting to help their clients better understand user preferences.

Gildistími: 1 ár.

Uppruni: Youtube. Gildistími 30 mínútur.

This cookie is set by YouTube and registers a unique ID for tracking users based on their geographical location.

This cookie prevents hyped up views it is being used to implement social platforms on the website. Enables the social platforms to track the users by assigning them a specific ID

3. Vafrakökur fyrir markaðssetningu

Vafrakökur sem notaðar eru í markaðslegum tilgangi geyma upplýsingar um notkun einstaklinga á, þ.e. hvaða síður eru valdar og hvaða tengla notendur hafa smellt á. Tilgangurinn er að auglýsingar sem birtast einstaklingum höfði til þeirra. Hótel Rangá kann að miðla slíkum upplýsingum til þriðja aðila.

Uppruni: Facebook. Gildistími: 90 dagar.

The cookie is set by Facebook to show relevant advertisements to the users and measure and improve the advertisements. The cookie also tracks the behavior of the user across the web on sites that have Facebook pixel or Facebook social plugin.

Uppruni: Facebook. Gildistími: 90 dagar.

This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website.

Uppruni: Google Double Click. Gildstími: 1 ár og 24 dagar.

Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile.

Uppruni: Double Click net. Gildistími: 14 mínútur.

This cookie is set be The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the users browser support cookies.

Uppruni: Youtube. Gildístími: 6 mánuðir.

This cookie is set by Youtube. Used to track the information of the embedded YouTube videos on a website.

Gildistími 12 mánuðir.

Uses a unique ID to make sure that any advertising you see on instagram is relevant and personalised.


4. Vafrakökur fyrir virkni

Vafrakökur sem eru notaðar til að framkvæma ákveðna virkni, t.d. að deila innihaldi vefsíðunnar á samfélagsmiðlum, halda utan um endurgjöf, ásamt öðrum eiginleikum þriðja aðila.

Uppruni: Instagram. Gildistími: 2 ár.

This cookie is set by Instagram. The cookie is used to distinguish users and to show relevant content, for better user experience and security.

Gildistími: 16 ár, 10 mánuðir og 3 klukkustundir.

Uppruni: Crisp Chat. Gildistími: 6 mánuðir. 

„crisp-client“ are all the cookies that are required so that the Crisp Chat works and is able to restore a visitor message history. Without those cookies, the customer would have a new chat session everytime he switchs to a new page, trigger messages would fire multiple times, and the chatbox would behave erratically. Note that we do not set any tracking cookie, all the cookies with the prefix crisp-client/ are used for technical or chatbox service purposes only;

Uppruni: Crisp Chat. Gildistími: 2 dagar. 

„crisp-client“ are all the cookies that are required so that the Crisp Chat works and is able to restore a visitor message history. Without those cookies, the customer would have a new chat session everytime he switchs to a new page, trigger messages would fire multiple times, and the chatbox would behave erratically. Note that we do not set any tracking cookie, all the cookies with the prefix crisp-client/ are used for technical or chatbox service purposes only;

Uppruni: LiveChat.Inc. Gildistími 3 ár og 1 mánuður. 

This cookie is set by the provider LiveChat.Inc. This cookie is used to enable live chat with customers on the website.

Gildistími: 24 klukkustundir.

Stores the current language. By default, this cookie is set only for logged-in users. If you enable the language cookie to support AJAX filtering, this cookie will also be set for users who are not logged in.

Uppruni: Crisp Chat. Gildistími: session.

„crisp-client“ are all the cookies that are required so that the Crisp Chat works and is able to restore a visitor message history. Without those cookies, the customer would have a new chat session everytime he switchs to a new page, trigger messages would fire multiple times, and the chatbox would behave erratically. Note that we do not set any tracking cookie, all the cookies with the prefix crisp-client/ are used for technical or chatbox service purposes only;

Uppruni: GDPR Cookie Consent. Gildistími: 1 ár.

This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category „Functional“.

Uppruni: Crisp Chat. Gildistími: 6 mánuðir.

„crisp-client“ are all the cookies that are required so that the Crisp Chat works and is able to restore a visitor message history. Without those cookies, the customer would have a new chat session everytime he switchs to a new page, trigger messages would fire multiple times, and the chatbox would behave erratically. Note that we do not set any tracking cookie, all the cookies with the prefix crisp-client/ are used for technical or chatbox service purposes only;

Uppruni: Spotify. Gildistími: 1 mánuður og 29 dagar.

Used by Spotify to embed music on the page.

Uppruni: Instagram. Gildistími 1 ár, 11 mánuðir and 29 dagar.

This cookie is set by Instagram to show you relevant content, improve your experience, and help protect Instagram and our users.

Uppruni: Crisp Chat. Gildistími: session.

„crisp-client“ are all the cookies that are required so that the Crisp Chat works and is able to restore a visitor message history. Without those cookies, the customer would have a new chat session everytime he switchs to a new page, trigger messages would fire multiple times, and the chatbox would behave erratically. Note that we do not set any tracking cookie, all the cookies with the prefix crisp-client/ are used for technical or chatbox service purposes only;

Uppruni: Spotify. Gildistími 24 klukkustundir.

Used to implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content. This can serve statistic and marketing purposes.

5. Vafrakökur fyrir frammistöðu

Vafrakökur sem notaðar eru til að greina helstu árangursvísitölur vefsíðunnar sem hjálpa til við að tryggja sem besta notendaupplifun.

Uppruni: YouTube. Gildistími: session.

This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos.

Uppruni: Google Analytics. Gildistími: 1 mínúta.

These are performance cookies which we use to collect information about how our visitors use the website. We use this information to compile reports and to improve the website experience. The cookies collect information such as: the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come from and the pages they visited.

Frekari upplýsingar

Vefur Hótel Rangár getur innihaldið hlekki á aðrar vefsíður og ber Hótel Rangá ekki ábyrgð á efni þeirra né öryggi notenda þegar farið er af vefsvæði Hótel Rangár. Að auki ber Hótel Rangá enga ábyrgð á efni vefsíðna sem hlekkja á vefsíðu Hótel Rangár.

Persónuverndarstefnu Hótel Rangár má lesa í heild sinni hér. Ef frekari spurningar vakna er velkomið að senda fyrirspurn hér.

Hallgerður EHF


851 Hella

Sími: 487 5700

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